We are the 8th most attractive company to work for in Portugal! Real Hotels group

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We are the 8th most attractive company to work for in Portugal!

Published on:
May 17, 2024

We are pleased to announce that Real Hotels Group has been recognized as the 8th most attractive company to work for in Portugal! This prestigious recognition was revealed in the 2024 Randstad – Employer Brand Research study, which analyzes the companies most desired by Portuguese workers.

Standout among giants
Real Hotels Group is proud to be among the 20 award-winning companies, a group made up mainly of multinationals and large national companies. This eighth place is proof of our commitment to excellence and the well-being of our employees.

Top 3 in the Tourism, Sports and Entertainment sector
Furthermore, we are honored to be part of the TOP 3 in the tourism, sports and entertainment sector. This additional recognition highlights our leadership role and our dedication to providing exceptional experiences for both our employees and our customers.

About the study
The Randstad – Employer Brand Research study is a global reference in evaluating the best companies to work for. The most important factors in an employment decision are considered, according to the perception of workers in Portugal. Being recognized alongside renowned companies is a privilege and a validation of our continuous effort to provide a positive and motivating work environment.

Thank you to Randstad and thank you to those who every day make Real Hotels Group a place where people are happy to work and where the most important resources are human ones.


See the results of the study here »

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