The benefits of IVAucher will give discounts on Tourism

Published on:
June 1, 2021

What is IVAucher?
IVAucher is a temporary mechanism created by the Portuguese Government, that is launched in June, allowing portuguese citizens to accumulate the VAT amount of an expense, and discount that same amount in a subsequent purchase.

Why was IVAucher created?
This measure is aimed exclusively at the sectors of tourism and culture, and covers only three types of activities: catering, accommodation (hotels, local accommodation, etc.) and culture (cinemas, theaters, cultural activities, etc.).

How it works?
The operation of this program is very simple: customers who request invoices with a VAT in the restaurant, accommodation and cultural spaces will receive the full VAT, in voucher format, to spend in the following quarter, as a form of immediate discount. The accumulated amount will be calculated automatically by the Tax and Customs Authority.
You can check the accumulated value on the Finance Portal or the IVAucher App. Learn more at ivaucher.pt

How to use the accumulated value?
Whenever you make a purchase and ask for an invoice with a VAT, you will receive a notification on your mobile phone from the IVAucher App to confirm the payment. After confirmation, automatically, 50% of the amount payable will be debited from your deposit account and the remaining 50% will be debited from your IVAucher account (The benefit is equivalent to the maximum amount between 50% of the amount payable and the balance IVAucher).

From June, don’t forget and always ask for an invoice with VAT in all hotels and restaurants of the Real Hotels Group!

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